Cyprus44 Forum Support

About cheguffawa

editor of North Cyprus Free Press
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31 Responses to Cyprus44 Forum Support

  1. nige says:

    Oh hans my fine dutch fellow If you think there is free speech on cyprus 444 I feel you are deluded.

  2. Campbell Thomas says:

    Any public forum which bans members for questioning the legal status of the TRNC (it’s illegal you dummies) deserves to be taken down. The way it always gets zapped on the major holidays, Orams decision days etc is pretty impressive from a psyops viewpoint. Headless chickens everywhere. Or should that be headless turkeys…

  3. Gentlemen! *I* have no complaints about Cyprus44 and I’m very outspoken there. Are you both banned at C44? Tsk! Am I right to think that you two belong to the category “disloyal and/or troublemaker”? 🙂

  4. nige says:

    you did promise you would not post there any more … are you not a man of your word ??

    I suspect if the( unjustly ) banned members were reinstated the doss attack would soon stop wht say you Hands

  5. Jerry says:

    I’ve been banned twice. The site owner is worried that the ex-pat residents will learn that not all of the blame for The Cyprus Problem is the fault of “The Greedy Greeks”, the TCs were equally to blame (Denktash and Turkish extremists in particular). The British notion of “supporting the underdog” (the minority) comes into play when the carrot of cheap holiday homes is dangled. I would guess that 90% of those who “bought” “exchange” land knew nothing of the island’s history or the simple truth that for centuries the ordinary Cypriot in the field worked harmoniously with his neighbour from the other community. The majority of CY44 members are a bunch of poorly educated back-slapping louts. It’s quite interesting to see how many of them are gradually losing faith in their adopted paradise. Cy44 will not disappear permanently, I have it on good authority that the site is constantly scrutinised and monitored as a means of identifying the illegal occupiers of Greek Cypriot owned land by “authorities” in the ROC.

  6. Get Real! says:

    Izzet, the mentally embargoed fool doesn’t even know the meaning of “freedom of speech” because it hasn’t made it to the Islam-o-fascist “TRNC” yet… 🙂

  7. Ian Edwards says:

    Gee Jerry,

    “..the TCs were equally to blame..” ! You are certainly confirming the conclusions I expressed in my (sorry) lengthy note on the Archbishop Chris topic.

    Many GC-flavoured posters have criticised people like me for buying property in the north, calling us “carpetbaggers”, “foreigners (who) came to take advantage of a situation and benefit from a tragedy”, “vultures who saw dead meat and moved in to save a few quid”. This of course implies that we all knew exactly what the true situation was and took advantage of it, in spite of the fact that nobody has been able to agree on the true nature of the situation for 35 years.

    We have the self-righteous Campbell Thomas telling us ad nauseum how clever he was to carry out the research he did, and just how elevated is his piece of moral high ground.

    And now we have you claiming that “90% of those who “bought” “exchange” land knew nothing of the island’s history..”. Well mate, I’d agree that 90% certainly didn’t understand it in any detail. But you blokes can’t have it both ways. Either we all took advantage of the situation, or we didn’t understand it and bought in good faith.

    Which is it?

  8. Ian Edwards says:

    Get Real,

    Your racist, bigoted, extremist language and attitude do you no credit and your cause absolutely no good at all.

    I suspect you are a significant embarrassment to your saner, more credible GC colleagues.

  9. Campbell Thomas says:

    Ian Edwards said: “We have the self-righteous Campbell Thomas telling us ad nauseum how clever he was to carry out the research he did, and just how elevated is his piece of moral high ground.”

    Am I as self-righteous as the UK Foreign Office warning British citizens about buying property in the TRNC? I mean, they’ve been saying the same thing for years as well, haven’t they? Face up to it – in the truth and honesty vacuum that is the TRNC, hundreds of people wish they had listened to people like me. Maybe what’s really getting to you is that you were sold something that will never belong to you.

  10. Jerry says:

    Ian Edwards, why is it an “either or” scenario? You turned up in Cyprus and saw a chance to “buy” a cheap place in the sun. You were conned into believing that the TCs were justified in “cleansing” the GCs from the north and instead of seeing if there was another angle to the Cyprus Problem you took the bait.

    You were mugged, anyone who spends ÂŁÂŁÂŁÂŁs on property abroad really should go into detail and seek expert advice. You surely knew there was a property issue in “trnc”, why didn’t you ask the ROC what its take on the matter was. People like you only listened to what they wanted to hear, why do you think pre 1974 TC property sold for twice the price of “exchange”? Why do you think the Foreign and Commonwealth Office published warnings about buying in the north of Cyprus? Surely you were aware that the “trnc” was not recogised by the UN etc. If you had bothered to study the island’s history from both sides viewpoint I’m sure you would not have fallen into the trap.
    You blindly took advantage of the situation through greed and ignorance with little or no regard for the real owners of the land you “acquired”, shame on you.

  11. Gaz says:

    Boys Boys put your toy swords away and stop this child like fighting. Que Sera, Sera (what will be will be) It’s New Years day for goodness sake!! The corruption of governments will decide what the outcome will be. Until that happen enjoy each day. Trust me you will feel much better for it.

    Incidentally I am banned from C44. Can assure you It bothers me not. And only because I’m not a dog lover. Smelly things and so are the dogs!!

  12. Get Real! says:

    The C44 forum is now closed.

    Reason: It served no purpose! 🙂

  13. whodoneit says:

    everyone knows little nige took down 44.

  14. Emir Soler says:

    Article in Cyprus News by President of Greek Cyprus Christofias
    “Turkish goodwill needed for settlement”
    Blame game is already started?
    Whats new.

  15. Ian Edwards says:


    It never ceases to amuse me just how easy it is for people like you to cast blame, make judgements and form conclusions about others without having the shred of an idea what is truly the case. And, of course, you can never be wrong.

    Your last sentence says it all, and demonstrates clearly why there will never be a Cyprus accord.

  16. Jerry says:

    OK Ian, perhaps you can explain how my judgments and conclusions are wrong and what the true case is? Why don’t you tell us in detail how you decided to buy in north Cyprus.

    Perhaps you can explain to me why I, a British born half Cypriot, am not allowed to enjoy the use of my holiday/retirement home built in 1972. I have never done anything bad to TCs, I have employed some in the UK over the years, I am not a citizen of Cyprus so I have never endorsed the ROC with a vote. I believe my house is currently occupied by a carpetbagger like yourself, do you think that is right?

  17. Troodo says:

    I cannot believe what I am reading here. Are these ROC supporters actually admitting that the Gc’s were at least partly to blame – a great step forward.
    As for Nige and co, nobody here with more than one brain cell is impressed by your rants. Get out and do something useful with what is left of your life.


  18. Z4 says:

    Shame that has been closed – I enjoyed reading it and listening to all the carpetbaggers sob stories

  19. Z4 says:

    Why should attitudes change over night?

  20. Jerry says:

    Troodo, many GCs have felt the blame should be shared, however interference from outside has been the main driver of the conflict. The ordinary Cypriots lived for centuries together without conflict, some even changed their religion so in some instances they share the same bloodline. Some TCs only spoke Greek.

  21. Troodo says:

    If what you say is right, most of those ordinary GC’s were very silent between 1960 and 1974 – not exactly deafening now. As for interference from outside, do you mean the Greek coup or the Turkish intervention, or perhaps both? Do you really expect any sane person to believe that if Turkey had stayed their hand there would be one Turkish Cypriot left in Cyprus today?

  22. When you have a war – inflicted on you or started by you – you pay the price when you lose. That’s a lesson from history, my friends. South Cyprus cheated itself into the EU (eternal shame on the crook Papadopoulos – may his bones be gone forever) and is now demanding from Turkey to do what South Cyprus demands before entering the EU. You are an absolute laugh with your one million or so inhabitants. Most real cities in Europe have more inhabitants than your so-called state (RoC = Rest of Cyprus). Do you really think some 600+ million Europeans will be bribed very much longer by your Communist president and your black robed, idiot, imitation Makarios “Archbishop”? Who do you think you are, you very few “Greek speaking Cypriots”?! Indeed, someone said it here: get real.

  23. RE msg 21, Jerry: (…) The ordinary Cypriots lived for centuries together without conflict (…)
    => You don’t know your own history. As far back as the the Turkish Conquest of Cyprus (1570/71) there have been problems between the Ottoman Turkish conquerors and the Greek speaking Cypriots. Culminating in the hanging of some black robed “GC men of god (because of early ‘Enosis’ [in the 19th century]” and all the problems following. Please read about the history of this island before you talk nonsense again. Thank you.

  24. Get Real! says:

    Hans Doeleman,

    A little birdie tells me that your online bravado has earned you one of the top 5 spots for 2010… let’s just say you’ve been made a priority! 😉

    Regards, GR! 🙂

    • Malcolm Channing says:

      So, GR, someone (?) is going to issue a European Arrest Warrant against Hans for a debt? I assume it is to do with stolen property. Let’s see – why don’t they issue warrants against the entire north Cyprus government and charge them for possession of a stolen slice of a country? There is no way those TCs will be able to evade capture as many of them enter the EU regularly. Or do they have some sort of immunity?

  25. Jerry says:

    Hans Doleman, obviously English is not your first language, read what I wrote again. THE ORDINARY CYPRIOT. Of course there was some conflict at a political level. You make it sound as if both communities were at each others throats during the 300 years of Ottoman rule, if that were the case I’m sure the Turks would have massacred the entire population as they had on other occupied Greek islands. I suggest you read a few more books on the history of Cyprus yourself and from more varied sources. Go back to your illiterate friends on CY44, you may impress them – you don’t impress me.

    You mentioned in another post:-

    “When you have a war – inflicted on you or started by you – you pay the price when you lose. That’s a lesson from history, my friends”

    Are you being serious? This is not the Middle Ages, do you honestly think it was right to expel one third of the GC population from their homes? Even the Nazis left the majority of the indigenous population in most of the countries they conquered.

    Turkey could have forced the ROC to adhere to the terms of the 1960 constitution but it chose to divide the island for the “benefit” of the Turkish Cypriots – many who have now left the island.

  26. RE msg 26, Get real!: (…) A little birdie tells me that your online bravado has earned you one of the top 5 spots for 2010… let’s just say you’ve been made a priority! (…)
    => Thank you! Much obliged! And how would you try to damage me in Holland, you silly?
    P.S. DO send the bailiff to me who was sent to the Orams. My dogs will start the Dobermann job and I ‘ll be happy to finish it.
    P.P.S. As a “reward” I’ve put your site on “DC’S PORTAL” (Cyprus sites and Bulletin Boards):

  27. I’m very glad you all support Cyprus44 (see title of this thread) – why else would you react here?! Thanks!

  28. Malcolm Channing says:

    Cyprus44 is currently back online

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